Saturday, March 13, 2010

shit equals out

the universe is a cruel mistress. she gives you these epiphanies. epiphanies at nine in the morning as youre riding your 333 bus to santa monica and staring at the holywood sign. she gives you more epiphanies as you're picking up a camera and realizing maybe everything you thought you wanted, wasn't what you wanted. and it definately wasn't what you needed. and bombards you with more epiphanies that the people around you are the people you've been looking for your whole life. she makes you realize that today is your day. its the greatest day you've had in a while. and then she says FUCK YOU, and throws a tree in your path. and gives you a black eye.

its the universe. and shit equals out.


  1. Oh. My. Fuckin. Confucius. WHO IS PUNCHING YOU IN THE EYE! I am all down for taking bullets, but punches...Hey. Hey. Gotta back down on that one. I didn't sign up for this shit when I told you what kind of pubic hair I had.

  2. Things do tend to equal out in the end. I'm pretty sure it's a law of the universe.

  3. it is. and i realized that today.
